Marketing Category

How to Win the Hearts of Your Online Customers

by Jacqueline Sinex
Friday, November 13th, 2015

Your business would be nothing but a hobby without customers. Follow these recommendations to win the hearts of new customers and keep them loyal.

satisfied customers having cupcakes

How to Use Your Website to Establish Thought Leadership in Your Field

by Ruth Hawk
Friday, November 6th, 2015

Thought leadership is an important concept for businesses looking to build brand awareness and attract customers.

Thought leadership and online marketing

The Difference Between Online Marketing and Sales Conversion

by Jacqueline Sinex
Wednesday, October 21st, 2015

Online marketing is not the same as online sales. It's part of the path to get there.

Business Advantage and Sales

E-Commerce Website Development: Tips for Maximizing Sales

by Ruth Hawk
Monday, October 12th, 2015

E-commerce website development has objectives that are different from those you encounter in other forms of web development. While other websites may focus on entertaining or educating the consumer, the almost exclusive goal of an e-commerce site is to encourage the visitor to make a purchase. Creating a site that effectively guides visitors toward this

E-commerce concept

The Challenges We Face in Online Marketing

by Jacqueline Sinex
Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

Over the years, I have learned a few things about websites – how to build them, how to manage them, how to promote them. And I have also observed the challenges we often come across when trying so hard to have a successful online presence. It really doesn’t matter what kind of business you are in […]

Web Marketing Segmentation

What is Online Marketing?

by Jacqueline Sinex
Tuesday, September 8th, 2015

Ten years ago, when Google was still a rising star, online marketing was simpler. So what is online marketing like today?


Is Search Engine Advertising Right For My Business?

by Jacqueline Sinex
Friday, August 7th, 2015

To determine which of these types of online marketing is the best fit for your business (or if maybe both are a good fit), it is important to understand how they work and the differences.

search engine advertising

Content Marketing Workshop Recap

by Jacqueline Sinex
Friday, May 29th, 2015

On May 20th, WEBii hosted a workshop called Content Marketing for Small Businesses and Non-Profits. Co-presented with Jessica Scanlon of Hot Dog Marketing, we covered various topics related to the landscape of online content. We were happy to see a variety of business owners and non-profit organization administrators attend. Participants included a pro

WEBii Event content marketing Workshop