“502 Forbidden” : The Importance of Usability Tests

By Brian Disbot, Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Unclear Image
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

One of the most important aspects of a website is usability. Web usability is defined as the flow of your website from page to page. In other words, it is a measure of how well your website is put together and whether improvements are needed to clarify or completely redo a part of the site. Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Ask.com, are all masters of usability because their graphical user interface (GUI) is easy to use and accessible for even the least tech-savvy Internet users. There are a few steps and tests (like https://www.usability.gov/) that you can utilize to test the usability of your website.

The best way to test the usability of your website is to imagine situations related to visiting your website, and then ask people to act out these scenarios. While family and colleagues may be varied (as far as Internet usage) and reliable sources, the best results will come from people who are randomly selected. Ask the participant questions to make them feel at ease and discover their background (“How often do you use the Internet? How long each day? What do you use it for?” etc.) to better understand where they are coming from and how technologically inclined they are.

One of the most important aspects of the usability test is the scenarios that you provide for participants. For example, if I own a sporting goods store, I might give the user a scenario in which they must be able to find out if they can rent equipment, what the estimated cost would be, and how long they can rent the equipment. I may know that my business provides a special, 6-month rental deal but if the participant is unable to easily find this information on their own, then my website has a usability issue. Missing information, “dead” links (502 forbidden error), and a misleading or confusing layout are a few of the concerns that can be fixed after a usability test.

The goal of a usability test is ultimately to create clarity for your audience for all aspects of your site. Recognizing and deleting or renovating ambiguous terms or actions, as well as noting the efficiency (namely for eCommerce sites) of your site, will allow you to improve and strengthen your online presence. A web usability test is incredibly helpful and should be considered an essential part of creating and maintaining your website.


Posted in: Austin Web Design, How To, Web Site Maintenance, WWW Learning Center

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