search engine optimization Category

A Strong Keyword List Requires Research

by Ally Hugg
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

Update: SEOMoz is now just named Moz. We recently wrote about The Value of SEO Campaigns, and how you may want to consider starting an SEO campaign if you want an edge on your competition. After all, approximately 60% of search engine users click on a link that is listed on the first page. Meaning, […]

keyword list

The Value of SEO Campaigns

by Marketing Editor
Thursday, February 10th, 2011

The other day as I was browsing the internet, I came across some very interesting statistics about the effectiveness of SEO campaigns. According to various articles that I had read online, approximately 60% of search engine users click on a link that is on the first page. Meaning, unless your site is listed on that […]

SEO chart - search engine traffic