If you wish for your site to be secured with urls that begin with “https”, you must order an SSL certificate and have it installed to your server by your web host. This is a requirement for securing areas like checkout pages, but has increased in popularity as a standard for overall website security today. SSL certificates require an annual license.
To order an SSL certificate from WEBii, fill out theĀ online order form.
Or, you may select the provider of your choice for an SSL certificate and order with that provider directly, such as Verisign, Thawte, DigiCert (formerly Geotrust), and others. If you decide to go directly to one of these providers to order the certificate, you will need to submit a “CSR” to the provider from your WEBii server. To request a CSR, submit the required information described on our SSL page, or contact technical support at support@webii.net.