
Why don’t Webii plans have unlimited bandwidth?

We have done our homework and provide a fair value in all of our plans. Our bandwidth prices not only include bandwidth, but also CPU usage. So when a site becomes very popular, we have to provide adequate bandwidth and CPU.

Many providers assume that their server(s) will crash at a certain point; therefore they do not meter traffic usage and may offer “unlimited bandwidth” packages.  But what happens to the rest of the paying customers on that server when it fails to perform? This is a very risky method of maintaining shared hosting environments.

Performance is not cheap and we have to keep expanding if we want to be leaders. Monitoring bandwidth and CPU utilization closely assures that we offer the best performance and reliability in the industry. Our policy also prevents abusive customers who have little regard for acceptable Internet conduct. Our bandwidth monitoring allows us to plan appropriately and prevent situations in which one or more particular high-traffic accounts will affect other customer accounts.

To accommodate the high volume niche, we also have a High Volume Plan available, and we also offer customized dedicated servers to suit a variety of needs. Contact our sales department for more information on these services.