If you received a warning that your hosting account is approaching its bandwidth or disk usage limit, you may be wondering where to find more information about how these resources are being used. Below are instructions for finding this information in cPanel:
To monitor yours site bandwidth, scroll down to the Metrics tab and click on Bandwidth, or click on the Bandwidth link in the Statistics section on the right side of your cPanel home page. These links will bring up an interface which displays bandwidth usage information in several sets of graphs. Each graph contains information about bandwidth usage over a specific period of time.
The graphs display bandwidth information in six categories:
To view your sites Disk Usage, click on the Disk Usage link under the Files tab at the top of the cPanel home page, or click on the Disk Usage link in the Statistics section on the right side of the page. This interface displays the amount of disk usage used by each part of your hosting account. You can click on the file names to navigate to those specific folders in your File Manager, and you can click on the Email Accounts link to go to the Email Accounts page, which will display the amount of storage used by each email account, as well as links to check the messages and manage the settings of each account.
For more options on managing your email accounts, you can also visit the Email Disk Usage page, found under the Email tab on your cPanel home page. Choose an email account at the top of this page, and it will show the disk usage in each of that account’s folders, as well as options to delete messages by certain criteria (e.g. messages that are over a year old).