
Unlimited Email Forwarding

Once your domain name is active worldwide, you can receive all email addressed to your domain such as webmaster@yourname.com, sales@yourname.com, etc. (you may setup the POP email addresses that you prefer in your Control Panel.)

By default, all email addressed to your domain will forward to the email address that you provided to us in your order. For your convenience, unlimited email forwarding options are available if you need specific addresses to be forwarded to different email address that you currently use. This will allow you to check all of your email from one place, instead of having to check two or more separate email addresses.

For example, email addressed to webmaster@yourname.com could forward to an account that you currently use at your internet provider (such as myname@myinternetprovider.com ). You would then only need to check email from your primary email account provided by your internet provider.

This feature is setup in the Forwarders area of the cPanel, under the EMAILS banner.

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