
Can I make updates to my web site content during this transition?

We will ask that you refrain from making changes to your web site during the actual migration period (the migration date will be specified to you in an email). This will help to ensure that your web site will maintain the same appearance and functionality after the transfer. In certain circumstances, after the migration is complete and domain names are still propagating, it may be necessary to make updates to both copies of your web site (on both Appsite Hosting and Webii). If you have questions about this, please email support@webii.net for assistance.

How to set up an autoresponder in your Control Panel:
First, login to your Control Panel:
If you have a Windows account, visit: http://cp.webii.net:2083 
If you have a Unix-based account, visit: http://ipaddress:2083 
(You will receive your IP address after migration is complete.)

Click the “email setup” button.
Next, scroll to the “autoresponders” section of the page. Click the “Add an email autoresponder” link. Click on the “Select file” link and choose the text file that you would like sent. (You will need to create the text file first and upload it to your account.) Enter in the name of the auto-responder account and then a “reply to” email address. The subject line of the automated email, which could be something like “Thank you for your inquiry” also needs to be entered.

For more detailed instructions and examples on autoresponder setup, click here.