
Can I check domain name availability?

Yes. You can check domain availability directly from our website or through our sister website at SiteReserve.com.

When you begin the order process on our website, start with selecting Order in the main menu. One the first step of the order wizard, you can enter the domain name that interests you, and the site will search the registry automatically. If the domain name is available, you will have the option to continue with the order. If the domain name is defined as a “transfer”, that means someone already owns it.

Want to do some domain name research first? Use our sister website at SiteReserve.com to find and register domain names without pursuing web hosting.

If you would like to check the availability of a domain name type other than a .com, .net, or .org, you must check this in the whois database of a Registrar authorized to register those top-level domain names.