Web Design Category

Everything You Need to Know About A/B Testing

by Karina Harchandani
Monday, August 30th, 2021

In this article, we explore the value of A/B testing in digital marketing and web design, from the perspective of a Texas web development agency. A/B testing is something web development teams have known as a vital tool. When you are trying to develop or expand your business, implementing marketing strategies can be a challenge. […]

Texas web development split AB testing concept

How to Prepare for a New Web Design Project

by Jacqueline Sinex
Wednesday, August 11th, 2021

What are some ways you can prepare for a new web design project? Here’s a short video from Jackie on two things you can get ready. Continue reading. Two Things to Prepare for a New Web Design Project Your Branding Your Content Getting Your Branding Ready It’s important to get your branding in order for […]

Video Tip Featured Image

The Best Website Styles for Your Business Type

by Maisie Cantrell
Thursday, June 3rd, 2021

There are so many options when it comes to web design: Colors! Layout! Content! While there is a whole lot of creativity that goes into designing a website, there is certain style “formulas” that some business types tend to follow. Selecting the right style for your company’s website can be quite a challenging decision, as […]

austin web design tips

Wireframe Wins: The Benefits of Wireframing in Web Design

by Maisie Cantrell
Monday, April 26th, 2021

Every web designer can appreciate a good wireframe. Find out why as we explore the importance of wireframing in the web design process.

Wireframing exercise for web application design

Key Elements of a Standout Product Page

by Maisie Cantrell
Monday, April 5th, 2021

Explore the three basic components and some helpful hints that can help you add some serious pizzazz to your product pages.

Standout Website Concept

Picking the Perfect Palette: The Effects of Color in Web Design

by Maisie Cantrell
Monday, March 29th, 2021

Question: What is a good web designer’s ultimate goal? Surprisingly, it’s not to create the sleekest website or the prettiest application interface to ever exist; actually, it’s not about the design itself at all. Rather, the primary objective of a web developer or designer is to ensure that every single website they touch conveys the […]

6 Different Types of Websites & Web Pages to Consider for Your Audience

by Maisie Cantrell
Friday, March 19th, 2021

As a small business owner, you need to familiarize yourself with the various types of websites and web pages out there so that you can choose which kind of design suits your brand best. Studying your competitors’ sites and conducting testing can help you to create the perfect format to communicate your business’s message and […]

The Anatomy of a Landing Page

by Maisie Cantrell
Friday, February 19th, 2021

Any reputable online marketing agency should be well-versed in the Land of Landing Pages. However, to the average business owner, understanding the purpose of a landing page can be confusing, to say the least. To simplify things, we’ve found a brief definition from Disruptive Advertising, which states that a landing page is defined as “a […]