Austin Web Design Category

When Breaking Web Design Rules Might Work for You

by Ruth Hawk
Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

Web design has evolved as quickly as has the Internet as a whole. Along with that development has come certain rules, or best practices, that have proven themselves useful in guiding the development of appealing and effective websites. However, occasionally, as the saying goes, rules are meant to be broken, and occasionally, great web design comes when t

Web Design Desktop

Dress Up Your Custom Web Design: The Use of Color in Communicating Your Message

by Ruth Hawk
Monday, May 22nd, 2017

Because color is so ubiquitous, its importance is often overlooked when it comes to web design. However, color is actually one of the most effective elements of custom web design. While there are as many ways to use color in web design as there are web pages, there are a few tips, tricks, and psychological facts that can help guide you toward more visual

How to Improve the Web Design of Your Homepage

by Ruth Hawk
Friday, February 10th, 2017

The homepage is almost always the most visited page on a website. Creating a more effective homepage, therefore, can improve the performance of your entire site. Use some of the following tips to improve the web design of your homepage.

responsive web design

How to Prepare for Your Web Design Project

by Ruth Hawk
Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

As your web design project begins to gear up, take steps to prepare information that will be useful to your web design company and that will avoid delays in the process. With the right preparation, you can enjoy a smooth, efficient process and a website that works for you.

checklist website design

5 Custom Web Design Tips for the Holidays

by Ruth Hawk
Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

Look the holiday part by creating a custom web design. A festive look will help put customers in the shopping spirit and earn you the holiday sales you want.

E-Commerce Holiday Promotions

Common WordPress Development Mistakes

by Ruth Hawk
Monday, November 14th, 2016

WordPress development, when done right, can leave you with a powerful and appealing space for your visitors. However, there are some mistakes you need to avoid.

What to Look for in a Web Design Company

by Ruth Hawk
Monday, February 1st, 2016

Web design is one of the most important elements of your website. The structure, graphics, and content are what visitors will rely upon to find their way through your site and to make decisions about whether or not to interact with your company. Web design can also influence your site’s search engine optimization success. This […]

Texas Web Design

5 Benefits of Using Professional Web Design Services

by Ruth Hawk
Friday, January 29th, 2016

Web design is easy to overlook. Amid the pressures of running a business and working with what is always a tight budget, refreshing your web design may seem like a low priority. And, even if you do notice that your site is getting a little outdated, it may be tempting to just throw a few […]

Web Design Web Development Responsive Branding Concept