The 3 Essential New Year Resolutions for a Successful Site

Photo by Olya Kobruseva on Pexels

It’s hard to believe another year has passed. Time seems to slip away, leaving us standing at the edge of 2008, thinking about what could have been better, or what could have been worse. It’s a time when everybody makes resolutions to better themselves, and they often neglect their websites. Your website is a window to the entire world! Surely it could stand to lose a few pounds, quit smoking, eat healthier, or take up a new hobby?

1. “I will update my website’s informational content.”

Stop procrastinating and get your website current! (After you finish reading the post, though.) If you have a music-related site and your Top of The Radio section includes MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice, your visitor might be inclined to seek information elsewhere. Maybe a visitor reads an old mailing address on your website and decides to make an impromptu visit, only to find an empty lease space.

Updating the information on your website should take a couple of hours on average. Even if it takes a whole day, it’s like cleaning the attic, nobody likes to do it, but it needs to get done. That’s just one day in your 365. If you really don’t have the time or experience to do it yourself – hire a professional to get it done right.

2. “I will include fresh, interesting, and relevant news.”

Many website owners seek ways to offer “fresh” information on their site. The easiest way to do this is to include recent news items. This can come in various forms: a What’s New section that includes updates about the company; a Press area that offers press releases about the company’s projects, clients, and endeavors; a helpful Industry News area that provides informative articles about the latest trends and changes; a Blog; a third-party News Feed, which grabs articles related to certain subjects from another source and automatically updates them as links on your website; a copy of your E-mail Newsletter.

Think of your website like a bakery, if you regularly have hot, fresh, and tasty content, your visitors will keep running back for more. If you don’t, then your website will become, well, rather stale.

3. “I will create an e-mail newsletter.”

Here are some ideas to consider:

Are you including content relevant to your industry? Do you give out worthwhile advice? Have you ever offered someone a coupon for your services or a free introduction? Do you ever host special events or workshops? These are all excellent things to include in a regular e-mail newsletter. Cater the timeframe to something you can manage. “Regular” can mean many different things – weekly, monthly, quarterly, or even bi-annually and seasonally.

Some businesses only send out a newsletter “about the company” once a year and then periodically send out a special newsletter for promotions or events. As long as you are communicating with your current customers about your services, you are offering them an easy opportunity to forward your information to a new contact, informing them about your industry, and building your credibility.

These things will help you become more than a store or a faceless company to your visitors. You will become an invaluable source of information, a friend in the industry, and people always have deeper pockets for friends.

There are several great ways to integrate a newsletter with your website, many of which are so hands-off you will be kicking yourself that you didn’t do it sooner. If you need help setting up a custom e-newsletter management program or integrating an email news service, give us a shout.

If you make these 3 New Year’s resolutions (and stick to ’em!), your website will be a hit in the new year, whether it’s loyal customers who keep coming back or visitors who can’t get enough.