Internet Marketing

Advantages of Outsourcing SEM

If your company is serious about seeing significant ROI from its search marketing efforts, it's a good idea to hire…

Google Says Buh-Bye to Meta Keywords

Have you heard? After years of speculation, it's official: Google's Matt Cutts stated that Google's indexing formula ignores the 'keywords'…

Tech Tips: Put a Twitter Badge on Your Page

Update: TwitStamp.com no longer exists. It is also important to note that the Twitter badge has since been dubbed the…

Social Media: Not Just a Fad

Fads of the Decades 1960s: tie-dye, lava lamps, and ouija boards 1970s: tetherball, pet rocks, and Farrah Faucet hair 1980s:…

Quick Tips: Interactive Media Frenzies

2009 is proving to be a turning point in the number of small business owners who have asked us about…

An Easy Traffic Boost: Contests

If you are looking for a way to encourage people to visit (and revisit) your website, try an age-old marketing…

The Potential of Your Website

Anyone can have a website. However, not everyone has a good one. There lies great potential in your website and…

Are Meta Tags Important?

A lot of website owners hear the term "meta tag" at some point and aren't really sure what it is.…

Tap into New Resources: Press on Your Website

Every business needs a media/press kit (the two names are interchangeable). Your media kit is a go-to guide for others…

Reinforcing Your Brand

You always hear the term "brand" and "branding," but have you figured out how that translates to your company? You…