Tech Support

Different Ways to Launch a Business Website

When the time approaches to launch your new business website design, are you ready with the right kind of launch…

The Wonderful World of Payment Gateways

Payment gateways. Why do we need them, how do we integrate them and how should we test them? Learn more…

How to Do an SEO Audit

Regardless of whether you have been implementing SEO for years or have just begun, an SEO audit is one of…

PayPal and Its Impending Changes to the IPN

If you utilize PayPal for your ecommerce site, then you would have received an email detailing some upcoming changes with…

FTP: What is It and Why Does It Matter To Me?

If you’re seasoned and involved with the web hosting world you have heard the acronym FTP way too many times.…

Websites Are Not Plug & Play: Migrating to a New Web Host

Moving your website to a new web host? It might be more involved than you think. Be prepared to make…

Java, Not the Same as JavaScript

There has been a lot of talk about Java in the news lately; the US Department of Homeland Security issued…

Quick Tip: How to Set Up Your Email Through Your Website

So you have your website up and running. It’s receiving a decent amount of traffic and your business is beginning…

Staying Connected While You’re On The Go

The ability to stay connected is more important than ever in this digital age, and having the ability to access…

Understanding Roles in the Web World

Who do I call for what type of tech issue? As a web hosting company, our tech support staff has…